Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Tuesday, 29 March 2011

How The Smart Literary Agents Are Moving Forward In The Digital Age

Though we're catching up, ebooks and POD are so much more commonplace in the US than the UK.  There, where the multi-million dollar deal for a self-published author has now become a reality, the smart literary agents are swiftly adapting their working methods to chime in with digital.

"As the big six take fewer chances on new writers and drop more midlist authors, and as it becomes easier to distribute titles with the rise in POD software and the growing popularity of digital books, some agents offer publishing programs and different types of representation," says a new report in Publishers Weekly.  "At a panel at Digital Book World in January called "New Models for Agents," Jim Levine of the Levine Greenberg Agency, said he and his colleagues now consider themselves "multimedia producers" more than agents. Levine explained that he looks at manuscripts that potential clients bring in with an eye for how the content can live in various forms. Should this potential book be an app? An e-book? An enhanced e-book?"

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

How UK Ebook Thriller Author Hit The Kindle Big Time


The Guardian report on ebooks in UK profiles our first bestselling ebook author Stephen Leather.

How did he do it? He spotted the Christmas Day Kindle sales rush, priced his books low and then went on various forums to get his ebooks selling. 'Within a couple of weeks, all three titles were in the top 20 and "by November I'd knocked Stieg Larsson off the top spot".'

Read the full article here.